Site Visits are Key to Event Planning

Picture this…


You’ve been planning the event for months. You’ve had a couple chats with the onsite contact and everything is falling into place. You let the caterer know they will have full access to the kitchen and the rental company is bringing tables and chairs for your 100 guests. Very exciting!


Then… the day of the event comes.


You are onsite, vendors begin to arrive and your guests won’t be far behind. You notice something is off! You discover there is no kitchen and the function room is half the size.


Oh No! Now What?


All of this could have been prevented with a simple site visit. Site visits are a chance for you to check out the venue in advance. You can not expect to plan an event in a location without spending time at that location.


Countless times we’ve done site visits only to discover problems we were previously unaware of. The flip side is that you’ll also see opportunities and possibilities you won’t see until you have seen the site for yourself.


Planning where you’re going to locate things for your event is made much easier when you’re very familiar with the location. The best way to achieve that level of familiarity? Yup, you guessed it. Site visits.


Your caterer, planner and other vendors can do site visits to make sure everything is ready to go. A good indicator that you are working with dedicated professional vendors is they will ask the types of questions you can only answer by visiting the venue. There is no sense in spending the extra money to add string lights to your tent only to find out there is no power source nearby.


No surprises = A Successful Event